Student organizations at The University of Alabama offer members opportunities to enhance and apply academic knowledge while contributing to the broader mission of the University. The Office of Student Involvement administers policies for registering and renewing student organizations. These organizations must meet the minimum standards for registration and comply with University policies.

Registered student organizations are private, voluntary associations and are not official components of The University of Alabama. Registration allows student organizations to enjoy basic privileges granted by the institution when the organization meets minimum standards for registered status. Registration does not imply University approval of the organization or the activities of the organization; and The University of Alabama and the Office of Student Involvement (SI) in no way accept liability for the actions of registered student organizations. More information about the policies and procedures related to registered student organizations is available in the Student Organization Handbook, as maintained by the Office of Student Involvement.

Registration Benefits

Registered organizations enjoy a range of benefits including:

  • Use of University facilities (free or at a discounted rate)
  • Sponsorship of events and fundraising activities
  • Access to mail services, organizational email, and web presence
  • Eligibility for funding through SGA Financial Affairs Committee (FAC)
  • Ability to register on-campus events and access event planning resources
  • Computer and Copier Use with Student Involvement
  • Free advertising of events on campus
  • Access to grants and products like Coca-Cola and Bama Dining grants
  • Opportunities for recognition through the SAL Awards Banquet
  • Access to Organization consultations and trainings
  • Opportunity for recognition through the Exemplo Awards
  • Access to services provided by The SOURCE Board of Directors.

Registering New or Inactive Organizations

Review the “Create An Org” Packet found under the New Orgs Tab. To start a new organization or reactivate an “inactive” one, submit the online New Student Organization Registration Form via mySOURCE. This includes providing organizational details, officer information, a constitution, a full-time UA Staff advisor, and the names of at least 10 enrolled students. Additionally, you must attend a New Organization Workshop and provisional meeting.

Maintaining Registration

Organizations must renew their registration every fall or spring semester. This includes submitting updated constitutions, officer changes, and ensuring that the organization complies with University policies. Failure to meet registration requirements may result in withdrawal of recognition.

Student groups that do not complete the requirements by the provisional period deadline must submit in a written request to be considered for an extension into the next provisional period window. Requests should be emailed to and If no request is received, Student Involvement will assume that the group is no longer interested in completing the new organization process and will remove the group from the list.

Withdrawal and Denial of Registration

The Office of Student Involvement may deny or withdraw registration if the organization fails to comply with regulations or is detrimental to the University’s mission. Denied or withdrawn organizations can appeal the decision within five University working days.

The Office of Student Involvement reserves the right to withdraw registration of a student organization for:

  1. failure to comply with regulations governing students and student groups,
  2. loss of recognition by or membership in its respective national/international organization, or
  3. failure to adhere to constitution and by-laws on file in mySOURCE for the student organization.

The organization may appeal withdrawal of registration in writing to the Assistant Vice President of Student Engagement within five (5) University working days from the date of registration withdrawal correspondence. If the organization fails to appeal withdrawal of registration within the specified time period, the decision of the Office of Student Involvement is final. Concerning organizational appeals of withdrawal of registration by the Office of Student Involvement, the decision of the Assistant Vice President of Student Engagement is final.

For more information, contact the Office of Student Involvement.