Official University policies and procedures regarding sanctioned chalking areas and approved surface spaces for advertising can be found in the Facilities and Grounds Use Policy on the UA Policies website.
UA requires the officers and advisors of a registered campus organization to complete the Child Protection and Hazing Acknowledgement form. See the Renew An Org page to initiate the form.
The Constitution Writing Guide (PDF) outlines a standard format for the required organizational constitution. Please review carefully as some aspects are required per UA Guidelines.
The University does not condone hazing, regardless of its form. Indeed, hazing is prohibited by the University’s Code of Student Conduct and considered a crime in the State of Alabama under Alabama Code § 16-1-23. No individual shall directly engage in hazing or indirectly encourage, aid, or assist any other person in hazing. All students and other University representatives, including employees, should immediately report known or suspected hazing violations as directed herein. For more information, please review the University’s Hazing Policy.
The University is committed to providing an environment free from sexual misconduct and discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression and expects individuals who live, work, teach, study within or visit this community to contribute positively to the environment and refrain from behaviors that threaten the freedom or respect that every member of our community deserves. Students who are found to be in violation of the University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy will be subject to corrective action up to and including expulsion from the University.
For more details on the University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy, including information on training, resources, accommodations, procedures, and penalties, please contact The Office of Title IX Coordinator.
Recognized fraternities and sororities should regularly have each member review and understand the University’s Alcohol and Other Drug Policy for Students. Each organization and its members shall comply with the requirements of that Policy at all times.
Any student, faculty or staff member, applicant or campus visitor who has concerns about discrimination, harassment, sexual assault or sexual violence or retaliation is encouraged to seek the assistance of the appropriate University official. If the situation is an emergency or you or someone you know needs immediate assistance, please contact The University of Alabama Police Department at 205-348-5454. Behavior of this type may constitute a crime. Individuals are encouraged to contact the University Police at 205-348-5454 to discuss criminal charges that may apply and the appropriateness of a criminal investigation. For additional information on available reporting channels within the University, please visit UAct.
The emergence of Portable Debit/CC Readers has made the process of collecting funds, donations, and monies from student organization members and patrons extremely easy. However, this process can also present a number of security and risk issues that student organizations should be aware of. Review recommendations provided regarding these issues via this Portable Credit Card/Reader Policy.
Provides organizations with details regarding social event policies and procedures. For info regarding swap contract, see below.
Strategic Communications provides organizations with details regarding UA’s Social Media guidelines and recommendations for engagement on social media platforms.
Official University policies and procedures governing all students at The University of Alabama are included in the Student Handbook.
The Student Org Portable Credit Reader Policy provides organizations with details regarding UA’s policy on the use of personal or organization portable debit and credit card readers on campus.
The Swap Contract 2024-25 (PDF) provides organizations with parameters related to the agreement between two organizations who are hosting a social swap event.
The University Trademark and Licensing site includes a list of all UA trademarks and the application to utilize UA trademarks on promotional materials. Student organizations who wish to utilize UA trademarked symbols, should review this policy and go through the proper channels for approval of their designs.
The following regulations are located in the Student Handbook that is available from the Division of Student Life. Please make members aware of the regulations. If a violation of the Student Code of Conduct is believed to have occurred, the judicial procedures laid out in the Student Handbook will be followed.
Student organizations will be held responsible for misconduct in the following circumstances:
The organization will be held responsible for the actions of one or more of its members, who violate this Code of Conduct, when the actions arise in the course of or derive from the activities of the organization. In situations other than those described in (1) above the organization may be held responsible for a member or members’ misconduct when, prior to such misconduct, a member or members have committed acts of misconduct the nature of which has caused the Student Involvement Office to be concerned that the organization is not conducting activities in a manner which discourages such conduct, and the Student Involvement Office has notified the organization that further occurrences of such conduct by one or more members will result in disciplinary actions against the organization. Examples of such violations include, but are not limited to, offenses against persons, offenses against property, alcohol abuse, and illegal drug use. The notice will be in sufficient detail to notify the officers of the precise nature of the offenses and the length of time the notice shall be effective.