All organizations should follow University policy when setting up for and cleaning up after an event. It is your organization’s responsibility to be aware of the proper procedures and follow them accordingly.

Set Up

  • Refer to the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Guidelines for health and safety protocols.
  • Properly install fences.
  • Ensure you have the proper amount of event monitors.
  • If you have an event with alcohol, make sure you have water and un-salted snacks.

Clean Up

Your organization is solely responsible for cleaning up after each event and maintaining a clean and neat yard on a daily basis. The University will assess the reasonable costs of returning the grounds to pre-event condition (including damages, labor, repairs, replacement, etc.) and/or cleanup to those persons or organizations failing to comply with this requirement. Student organizations might also be referred to Student Conduct for failure to comply with University policy.

All trash and other items associated with the event (e.g., fencing, stages, tents, tarps, etc.) must be removed and return the grounds to pre-event condition.

Registered Events Before or at 5 p.m

Within 3 hours of the scheduled end time.

Registered Events After 5 p.m.

By 10 a.m. the following day.

Informal Gatherings

At the conclusion of the gathering.