
To learn more about UA’s student organizations, visit mySource. mySource lists descriptions and contact info for each student organization. This is a great way to start your journey of engagement and leadership at UA.

Involvement Geniuses

Involvement Geniuses are students who educate other students about involvement experiences at UA.

Involvement Quiz

The Involvement Quiz connects you with campus opportunities based on your interests and major. 

Get On Board Day

Get On Board Day (GOBD) is The University of Alabama’s involvement fair held near the beginning of each semester.

Organization Takeover

Organization Takeover (OTO) is a two-day event in which student organizations host their first meetings and events of the semester.

UA Vanguard

Explore UA Vanguard, a first year student engagement experience for students to learn by doing and getting involved in student organizations. 

Tide 2

A second year leadership development experience to supporting and equipping students with essential leadership skills for a successful collegiate journey at UA.