The information on this page is related to the standards of social fraternities and sororities at The University of Alabama and the recognition of those groups on campus.
The recognition of fraternities and sororities is, at all times, solely at the discretion of The University of Alabama. If a circumstance arises in which an organization disagrees with the recommendation of The University of Alabama concerning recognition, The University of Alabama holds sole discretion to deny campus recognition to an organization based on the assessment and findings of the organization’s operations and potential for risk.
In order to be recognized by The University, a fraternity or sorority must:
If it is determined that an organization meets the criteria for recognition as a fraternity or sorority, it is at the discretion of The University of Alabama to identify appropriate council affiliation or operational fit, with the understanding that organizations must still follow a council’s extension/expansion policies and procedures.
Should an organization meet two (2) or more of the following criteria, they will be considered a fraternity or sorority for purposes of recognition:
If deemed appropriate, in consultation with the Office of Student Involvement and the Assistant Vice President of Student Engagement, special interest fraternities and sororities not holding membership in a national umbrella organization (NIC, NPC, NPHC, NALFO, NMGC, NAPA, etc.), may also be recognized.
Should it be determined that a chapter is not in good standing, their recognition may be revoked or they may be put on probationary recognition for a period of time that the University designates in its sole discretion.
A chapter’s recognition can be revoked or the chapter can be put on probationary recognition status for various reasons including, but not limited to, the following:
At the end of the probationary recognition period, the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, in consultation with the Office of Student Involvement and Dean of Students office, will make a decision to either revoke all recognition or grant full recognition.
Chapters recognized by The University of Alabama are expected to adhere to the following:
Advisors are expected to adhere to the following:
The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life expects ALL recognized social Greek organizations to submit requested paperwork and/or forms, including electronic forms, registrations and other submissions made via a UA hosted websites or exchanged via email with standardized email attachments by the designated due date. Chapters failing to adhere to this directive are subject to monetary fines and/or loss of privileges. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
The University of Alabama, Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, and the UA fraternity and sorority community are committed to being a welcoming and inclusive campus characterized by access and opportunity, which allows students and prospective students the opportunity to choose what they want their individual Greek experience to be and know that there are no barriers preventing this choice from happening.
Furthermore, the University of Alabama complies with all applicable laws prohibiting discrimination, which are outlined in the University’s nondiscrimination notice and in its harassment policy. Membership in registered student organizations shall be open to all students of The University of Alabama, without regard to any federally protected class, except in cases of designated fraternal organizations exempted by federal law from Title IX regulations concerning discrimination on the basis of sex. Individuals who have concerns about the recruitment process are encouraged to contact the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs at 205-348-6670.
All UA students who consistently live and self-identify as women are eligible to participate in sorority recruitment provided that (1) they are a regularly enrolled student or plan to be a full-time student in good standing with The University of Alabama at the time of recruitment in August, (2) they have never been initiated into one of the 26 National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) sororities at UA or on another campus, and (3) they register for recruitment and pay the required registration fee prior to the advertised deadline.
IFC fraternities recruit members during the spring and summer prior to the fall semester. The Interfraternity Council holds an informal recruitment during late August and early September. During informal recruitment, each prospective new member has the opportunity to interact with individuals from fraternities and visit their house. Chapters may also host independently planned and executed recruitment events throughout the year, providing that these events abide by their local or inter/national policies, and with the policies of The University of Alabama and the Alabama Interfraternity Council. Alcohol should not be present at any event that involves the recruitment of potential new members.
NPHC organizations participate in a delayed recruitment process called Membership Intake. Before an individual can join a NPHC organization, he or she must have accumulated 12 or more semester hours at the University, have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA and attend NPHC Convocation in the academic year that the student participates in Intake. NPHC Convocation is an educational session that takes place in the fall and spring of the academic year. The purpose of Convocation is to provide a brief overview of membership in a NPHC fraternity and sorority. Alcohol should not be present at any event that involves the recruitment of potential new members.
UGC has a delayed Membership Intake/Recruitment Process. Before an individual can join a UGC organization, he or she must be a student at The University of Alabama. Each organization has their own national or local membership intake/recruitment process they must follow. Alcohol should not be present at any event that involves the recruitment of potential new members.
Fraternities and sororities are subject to the UA Code of Student Conduct and are expected to abide by the Code of Student Conduct on and off campus. Chapters and their members are required to follow all University, University Greek governing council, and inter/national or local organization policies, including, but not limited to: policies related to risk management, discrimination, hazing, Title XI, sexual misconduct, drugs and alcohol. Fraternities and sororities found to be in violation of the Code of Student Conduct or University policy are subject to discipline including, but not limited to, probation, revocation of privileges, suspension, fines, and/or expulsion from The University of Alabama. For more information, and to read the full code, visit The Office of Student Conduct.
Organizations registering on-campus events must electronically register their social event and submit all applicable fees and documentation through with the Office of Student Involvement as required by the University’s Social Event Guidelines. Registration of an event does not imply that the event has been or will be approved. All registrations will be processed and the event chairperson will receive a copy of this form upon request. Failure to follow the requirements of the Social Event Guidelines may result in the loss of an organization’s social privileges. Refer to the Social Event Guidelines for more details.
The University does not condone hazing, regardless of its form. Indeed, hazing is prohibited by the University’s Code of Student Conduct and considered a crime in the State of Alabama under Alabama Code § 16-1-23. No individual shall directly engage in hazing or indirectly encourage, aid, or assist any other person in hazing. All students and other University representatives, including employees, should immediately report known or suspected hazing violations as directed herein. For more information, please review the University’s Hazing Policy.
The University is committed to providing an environment free from sexual misconduct and discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression and expects individuals who live, work, teach, study within or visit this community to contribute positively to the environment and refrain from behaviors that threaten the freedom or respect that every member of our community deserves. Students who are found to be in violation of the University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy will be subject to corrective action up to and including expulsion from the University.
For more details on the University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy, including information on training, resources, accommodations, procedures, and penalties, please contact The Office of Title IX Coordinator.
Recognized fraternities and sororities should regularly have each member review and understand the University’s Alcohol and Other Drug Policy for Students. Each organization and its members shall comply with the requirements of that Policy at all times.
Any student, faculty or staff member, applicant or campus visitor who has concerns about discrimination, harassment, sexual assault or sexual violence or retaliation is encouraged to seek the assistance of the appropriate University official. If the situation is an emergency or you or someone you know needs immediate assistance, please contact The University of Alabama Police Department at 205-348-5454. Behavior of this type may constitute a crime. Individuals are encouraged to contact the University Police at 205-348-5454 to discuss criminal charges that may apply and the appropriateness of a criminal investigation. For additional information on available reporting channels within the University, please visit UAct.
Each organization must produce a certificate of commercial general liability insurance (with no liquor liability exclusions) to the University’s satisfaction in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 aggregate, and name The Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama as an additional insured and waiver of subrogation provision, using the following language in the certificate:
“The Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama, its individual trustees, officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives are included as an additional insured as respect to the Commercial General Liability and Excess/Umbrella Liability policies. Unless precluded by law, all policies waive the right to recovery or subrogation against the Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama, its individual trustees, officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives.”
Special events hosted by two or more recognized organizations and/or with an expected attendance in excess of 500 may be required to provide additional limits of insurance as determined by the Office of Risk Management.
The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, with the concurrence of the Office of Risk Management, may modify this requirement for circumstances justifying lower policy limits. Chapters are expected to update their insurance documents by November 30th of every year or within 15 day following the expiration of the required insurance policy.
Any new member program that a recognized fraternity or sorority conducts shall comply with all relevant University policies and council and/or inter/national organization constitutions, rules, policies, or by-laws. Further, the program should incorporate the following: