Advisors are an integral and important part to the management and success of our student organizations at The University of Alabama. It can be a very rewarding position for members of our faculty and staff at UA and they have the potential to help our students exhibit their passion in unique ways. Currently at UA, advisors to registered student organizations must be employed as full-time UA Faculty and/or Staff members. Below you will find additional resources and links to aid in your knowledge as an effective advisor. Additionally, if you are not currently a Student Organization advisor, but desire to advise a group, we have resource below to help you connect with us!
Advisor Roundtables is a series of events designed to facilitate regular conversations with student organization advisors about best practices and the place of advising in higher education. Additionally, the roundtable events provide an opportunity to explore a number of important topics, including relationship building, conflict resolution, goals setting, and strategic planning. Lunch will be provided.
Wednesday, September 4
Tuesday, November 19
Wednesday, February 5
Wednesday, March 19
Wednesday, April 9
The Advisor Interest Form provides a vehicle for us to collect full-time faculty or staff members who wish to volunteer as advisors to student organizations. If you would like to express interest in potentially serving as a Student Organization advisor, please fill out this form. We will get more information about your current position, any areas of interest, and will have a way to reach back out to you when potential student groups are searching or are in need of someone to fill their advisor role for their organization.
Our Annual Advisors Luncheon is an opportunity for student organization advisors to here what’s up and coming at UA as it relates to resources and policies. This event is strongly recommended, as it is often a time for advisors to collaborate with their advisor colleagues and be up-to-date on the things that might impact your student organization.
The Policies and Procedures link provides a snapshot of helpful policies and procedures that guide student organizations in effectively navigating The University of Alabama community.
The Student Organization Grounds Use Process page provides a connection to policies, training programs, and procedures related to Student Organizations who wish to have events and programs on The University of Alabama campus.
Student Organizations must renew every academic year. The registration status for an organization ends August 1 and begins at the point you receive a registered student organization status by the Office of Student Involvement. Typically the process of renewal begins in March and carries on until the end of October. However, each year, our goal is to have each student organization renewal prior to the end of the Spring Semester.
Officers of student organizations change every year. It is for this reason that the Office of Student Involvement needs the most up to date contact information for your organization. Also, these officers have to sign a Hazing Policy, complete a Child Protection Policy Acknowledgement, and anything else that UA deems necessary in order to agree to be in accordance with University guidelines and keep them in good standing.
The Student Involvement Office reserves the right to work with registered student organizations to enhance inclusiveness and to determine alternatives to arbitrary criteria, limiting membership and encourage irrelevant exclusivity.
As an advisor becomes familiar with the organization and its leaders, he or she can assess group needs. An advisor should be perceptive and sensitive to changing leadership and organization conditions and adjust his or her advising style accordingly. Maintaining frequent and open communication with the organization and its officers can easily facilitate this process.
Registered student organizations ultimately have the right to select a new advisor at any time, as long as it is according to procedures outlined in the organizational constitution and by-laws.
An advisor’s role is different for every group, but in every case your group is a student organization. The primary responsibilities of an organization advisor should follow the constitution of the organization and of the Student Organization Handbook. Student organization also have a minimum expectation of their responsibility to the advisor, which can also be found in the Student Organization Handbook referenced above.